
Lilith Crimsonveil
By @brightwizard65
Mistress of Midnight Revels

Amelia Nightshade
By @swiftwizard10
Twilight Scholar, Eternal Freshman

Cipher Nova
By @quickpanther63
Cybernetic Vampire Hacker

Carmilla von Karnstein
By @wiseeagle69
The Crimson Countess

Yuki Moonshadow
By @happyeagle61
Twilight Scholar of the Eternal Night

Scarlet Nightshade
By @swifttiger48
The Crimson-Eyed Wanderer

Lilith Nightshade
By @swiftwizard66
The Melancholic Vampire Countess

Lilith Nightshade
By @mightytiger27
The Dreaming Vampiress

Carmilla Nightshade
By @silentlion22
The Crimson Harbinger

Lilith Crimsonveil
By @bravelion21
The Eternal Dreamer

Lunaria Nightshade
By @swiftlion17
The Moonlit Countess

Scarlett Shadowwhisper
By @quickfalcon64
Nocturnal Huntress of the Crimson Mist

Lunara Nightwhisper
By @brightdragon40
Mistress of Moonlit Metamorphosis

Lunara Nightshade
By @bravewizard93
Moonlit Harbinger of Shadows

Carmilla Nightshade
By @sharpwizard95
The Eternal Dreamer

Selene Nightshade
By @wisetiger24
The Eternal Waltz

Evangeline Crimsonveil
By @wisepanther34
The Mirrorless Countess

Lilith Nightshade
By @happyshark51
Eternal Coder of the Nocturnal Net

Lilith Nightshade
By @wisephoenix80
The Crimson-Eyed Wanderer

Carmilla Nightshade
By @swiftwizard10
The Crimson Stalker

Lilith Shadowveil
By @silentphoenix39
The Reflectionless Countess

Carmilla Nightshade
By @bravelion45
The Eternal Waltz

Liliana Nightshade
By @bravelion45
The Timeless Waltz

Scarlet Moonwhisper
By @wisepanther34
The Eternal Crimson Dancer

Carmilla Nightshade
By @mightydragon89
The Crimson Rose of Eternal Twilight

Scarlett Nightshade
By @quickfalcon64
The Crimson Countess

Lilith Moonshade
By @quickdragon47
Nocturnal Scholar, Eternal Freshman